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时间:2022-06-29人气:作者: 未知


  Last week Rabobank, the world’s largest Ag-Bank released their 3rd quarter perspective on Global Pork Markets.


  “The enormous cull” of China’s hog herd over the last 18 months is pressuring production, causing China to expand imports into 2016.


  Rabobank animal protein analyst Albert Vernooji says, “The main questions are when Chinese Import growth will start, how much volume growth there will be and what the support for pork prices will be across the globe.”

  荷兰合作银行动物蛋白分析师Albert Vernooji说:“主要的问题是中国将在何时开始出现进口增长,多大的增长会对全球的猪肉价格起到支撑作用。”

  Rabobank also says:


  China’s imports will expand second half of 2015 and into 2016.


  In the US, the question is if Q2’s margin recovery will continue, as the strong supply rebound will likely be partially absorbed by expected growth in exports to China.


  The EU market has ample opportunities for price and margin improvement.


  Continuing disease outbreaks in Mexico and South Korea support high prices and strong import demands.




  We agree with Rabobank about China’s import potential here and now.


  Three Key Numbers:


  China market hog inventory is 57 million lower than 2 years ago – down 2 million head a week.

  中国商品猪存栏比2年前减少5700万头,每周减少200 万头。

  China sow inventory is down 10.3 million from two years ago.


  China market hog price is now $1.25 US live weight a pound. Mid-April it was 85? a pound US. That is a price increase of $100 per head.


  Less hogs, less sows, and the most important part, hog prices that have rocketed higher reflecting decreased supply and solid demand. The spread between China and the US live weight price is about 70? or $175 per head!!! We are betting that this very moment this price spread is leading to loading of containers of pork to be shipped now. Capitalism will push pork to China.


  China owned Smithfield Foods will lead the way. If they could move 100,000 carcass equivalent a week and gain $100 per head margin that is $10 million a week. Bet that China will keep American supply open!


  Country of Origin Labelling


  Senate Agriculture Chairman Pat Roberts (R-Kansas) last Thursday offered an amendment to a highway-funding bill to repeal country of origin labelling requirements for beef, pork, and poultry and stave off trade retaliation from Canada and Mexico. A move hailed by NPPC – National Pork Producers Council.

  美国参议院农业主席帕特 · 罗伯茨(Pat Roberts,堪萨斯共和党) 上周四提出公路基金法案的修订案来废除牛肉、 猪肉和家禽的原产国标签制度,并缓和了加拿大和墨西哥的贸易报复。全国猪肉生产者理事会(NPPC)所欢迎的一项举措。

  According to Iowa State University economist Dermot Hayes, the average US pork producer is expected to lose $10 per head beginning later this year and into next year, and based on these estimates retaliation from Canada and Mexico against US pork will likely double pork producer losses.

  艾奥瓦州立大学经济学家德莫特 · 海耶斯(Dermot Hayes)预计美国猪肉生产商在今年晚些时候直到明年平均将损失10美元。在这基础上,估计来自加拿大和墨西哥对美国猪肉的报复将有可能给猪肉生产者带来双倍损失。

  Let’s hope the US senate supports Senator Robert’s amendment and business can get getting on.


标签: 荷兰  合作  银行  中国  下半  年至  2016年  增加  猪肉